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RESEARCH PROJECTS (indicative list)

EU HORIZON Europe, funded project “ A cloud-based remote sensing data system for promoting research and socioeconomic studies in arctic environments – EO-PERSIST”,  Duration: 4 years., Role: PI,  Funding amount: 1,568.600 euros


HUA Greece, funded project: “ "Evaluation of the Physical Capital of Harokopio University: The road to the «Green University»"   Duration: 41 year,  Role: Co-I. Funding amount: 5,000 euros


EU HORIZON Europe, funded project: “safeGUARDing biodivErsity aNd critical ecosystem services across sectors and scales – GUARDEN”, Role: participant, Funding amount: 5M euro


COST Action: “Opportunistic precipitation sensing network” (CA20136). EU-funded project. Duration: 4 years.  Role: National Delegate and Management Committee



KALLIPOS: Repository of Greek e-textbooks. Funding to develop a textbook (in Greek) entitled “Introduction to Cartography & GIS”. Funding amount: 6,500 euros


COST Action “Optical synergies for spatiotemporal sensing of scalable ecophysiological traits” (CA17134), EU-funded project. Duration: 4 years.  My role: National Delegate & Management Committee member


STFC Food Network+: “Remote monitoring of soil loosening impacts on improved grasslands”, Project Duration: 1 year; Role: Co-I. Funding amount: £7,998


Newton Fund Research Partnerships, UK-Indonesia call for proposals. Proposal title: “Towards a Fire Early Warning System for Indonesia (ToFEWSI)". My role: Co-I. Funding amount: £539,000, of which I managed £60,000.   



Newton Fund Research Partnerships call for proposals UK-Indonesia. Proposal title: “Towards a Fire Early Warning System for Indonesia (ToFEWSI)". My role: Co-I. Funding amount: £180,000, for AU £58,000  


Marie Curie Individual fellowships: ENViSion-EOI. Research for 2 years focusing on the investigation of improved estimates of key parameters characterising land surface interactions from the synergies of EO data and land biosphere models. Project duration:2 years; My role: Fellow. Funding amount: ~€168,000 [successful]



Newton Fund, NSFC Agritech, UK: “Synthesis of remote sensing and novel ground truth sensors to develop high resolution soil moisture forecasts in China and the UK”. Project budget: £970,000; duration: 3 years; project Lead Lincoln University, UK. My role: Co-I.


Aberystwyth University, Dept of Geography & Earth Sciences: Funding received to develop GIS exercises focusing on spatial interpolation techniques or our UG/PG students exploiting data acquired by themselves using ground instrumentation. My role: PI. Funding Obtained: £3,200.



Funding received from Aberystwyth University to support the development of an automated autonomous in-situ soil moisture monitoring network for Wales. My role: PI. Funding amount: £40,000.



High Performance Computing Facilities (HPC) Wales: PREMIER-EO. Research  focusing on the evaluation of existing EO-based operational products for the estimation of evapotranspiration rates (ET) and soil moisture as well on the prototyping the estimation of those parameters. Co-Is: NASA Hydrology Group, USA & Geosmart Solution Ltd, UK.  project duration: 1 year; My role: PI. Funding amount: £44,500.



Marie Curie Reintegration Grant: TRANSFOrM-EO. Research for four years focusing on the estimation of energy fluxes and soil moisture from the synergy of Earth Observation (EO) and simulation models. Project duration:4 years; Role: PI & Fellow. Funding amount: €100,000



Aberystwyth University Research Funds: Conduct research towards the Development of a continuous, autonomous long-term monitoring of soil moisture content and related parameters for west Wales. My role: PI Funding amount: £4,850.



European Space Agency (ESA). Funding obtained for pursuing postdoctoral research in prototyping the retrievals of energy fluxes and soil surface moisture from ESA satellites.My role: PI & Fellow. Funding amount: €116,400.


George P. Petropoulos

Geoinformation - Earth Observation Specialist (PhD, MSc)


+30 697 320 8898 , GR

+44 (0) 784 892 6989, UK




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